Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Basic Republican Propaganda Techniques, 1: The Preposterous Assertion

This involves saying and repeating preposterously false things until they come to pass as true among large numbers of poorly informed people.

For example, this morning, on WCPN, public radio, there was a debate over whether public sector unions in Ohio should be abolished. The Republican spokesman asserts that immense sums of money are being funneled by these unions in to lobbying the political process. This is total nonsense that you hear all the time.

The Democratic spokesman doesn't want to call the Republican spokesman ignorant and he doesn't want to call him a liar, so he just avoids the ridiculous statement. He stays civil and positive. He knows that in the end the truth will come out and that the American people are very good at separating truth from nonsense.

The trouble is that the American people, right now, are not doing a very good job of separating truth from nonsense.

It's time for Republicans to stop repeating shocking, surprising information just because it supports their preconceptions. It's time for centrists and Democrats to start contradicting those who repeat baseless, false information. It's time for all of us to take a look at who stands to profit if this false information is taken as truth.

It's called standing up for America.

(Note: While this propaganda technique is not unique to Republicans, there is no left-wing propaganda machine comparable, in any way, to that of the right.)

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