Monday, July 4, 2011

Ezra Klein on the Strategy of Republicans in Congress

I'll cede the floor on this one to Ezra Klein, Washington Post, June 28, 2011.

Klein's column concerns the political tactics of the Republican Party and, in particular, the political strategy of Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader.

Mitch McConnell is the one who, in October 2010, told the National Journal: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Barack Obama to be a one-term president."

So far, the Republicans seem to be succeeding. Obama challenged the Republicans to not participate in the healthcare debate. He thought they would have to participate or face an irate public, but they proved him wrong. Backed by their formidable spin machine they were able to convince almost half the country that the bill was an example of extreme incompetence and moved the country down the road toward socialism.

Now the same pattern is playing out with regard to economic policy. Obama presenting himself as the figure of compromise, willing to face-down his own liberal base; the right presenting themselves as unwilling to compromise with someone so liberal as Obama.

The Republicans have thus destroyed effective government for the four years of Obama's first term.

While the government thus produced has been horrible, politics have never been more interesting. When he finds himself trailing in the polls, will Obama come back to life? Could we finally be treated to a liberal who can articulate outrage? Or maybe his Republican opponent will be so out of the mainstream, that he won't have to. I don't know which of those two options I prefer. I don't even want to consider the option that he will go out like a sacrificial lamb.

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