Saturday, April 24, 2010

I set up a blog, thinking I could use it to get my thoughts together.
I haven't gone to writing in it yet, I still might.
But the process seems to have helped my thinking.
I've gone to reading things with the goal of determining my thoughts, and it's been therapeutic.
There is so much noise out there in the public space.
Internet, radio, cable television have given the megaphone to people who are not very interesting.
Jim Lehrer on NPR radio day before yesterday said that there are no more wacky extremists today.
It's just that they have the means to project their ideas out to the public sphere.
He said that it takes more work today to get a grip on what is happening.
He also said that it's still the centrists, the people who listen to both sides, who decide the elections.
That's encouraging.